How to Help bc's coastland - Fraser Valley
Spread the Word
There are still many, many people who just don't realize the scope of the expansion plans slated for container terminals on Roberts Bank. They haven't realized that between Deltaport and the planned second container terminal these facilities will handle three times the amount of TEUs (containers) than right now. This means more trucks, more trains and more ships wreaking havoc with the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley air sheds. It means more farm land, and more public funds to facilitate the port development. It means more damage to globally significant wildlife habitat. It represents a loss to our quality of life, and a loss to our property values.
Talk to your friends and neighbours, and help them understand what's coming down the pike. Encourage them to believe that a strong public voice can make a difference.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
Margaret Mead